Happy students covered in paint

5 Tips for Teachers to Develop Emotional Fitness® in the Classroom

June 18, 20232 min read

It's important to recognize that developing emotional fitness isn't just about helping students. It's also about taking care of ourselves as educators. By learning and practicing the 9 Steps to Emotional Fitness, teachers can develop their own emotional awareness, resilience, and well-being. This not only benefits them personally but also helps them model healthy emotional habits for their students and colleagues. Additionally, educators who are skilled in Emotional Fitness® can better support their colleagues and help create a more positive and supportive school culture. Overall, learning and practicing Emotional Fitness® is an essential tool for personal and professional growth for educators, as well as a way to support the well-being of those around them.

Woman writing on a chalkboard

1. Foster positive teacher-student relationships by showing interest in students' lives, providing emotional support, being responsive to their needs, and listening deeply without giving advice, using the structure of 'Listening Power'.

2. Incorporate social-emotional learning (SEL) into the curriculum to teach skills like empathy, self-awareness, problem-solving, and empowering students to use their inner wisdom. Teach your students the difference between empathy and being an 'empath' which can be overwhelming and draining.

3. Provide opportunities for physical activity and mindfulness practices to reduce stress and improve well-being. Imagine creating a safe space where students are able to offer deep listening to themselves, to their peers and to the educational staff members who take care of them approximately 15% of their waking hours each year.

By following these three tips, teachers create a safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes respect, open communication, and emotional fitness for all students.

Children playing with a parachute

Furthermore, by incorporating these last two steps educators promote emotional fitness and help their students strengthen their inherent abilities in resiliency and self-reliance.

4. Encourage students to think for themselves and explore their feelings to promote self-reflection and emotional growth.

5. Empower students to use their inner wisdom to come up with lasting solutions to help them develop the skills and confidence they need to navigate life's challenges.

Fern leaf growing from a tree

In today's rapidly changing and complex world, building resiliency and self-reliance in students has become increasingly vital. Research has shown that resilient individuals are better equipped to cope with challenges, bounce back from adversity, and adapt to changing circumstances. The ability to be self-reliant allows students to take ownership of their learning, make independent decisions, and develop a growth mindset.

Additionally, as the 21st century presents new and evolving challenges, such as technological advancements and increasing uncertainty, students need to develop resilience and self-reliance to thrive in this ever-changing landscape. These skills enable them to adapt to new situations, problem-solve effectively, and navigate the complexities of the modern world. Imagine with me a 'World That Is Emotionally Fit'. Now let's achieve our vision together- one listening ear at a time.

25 year career as Elementary/Junior High Teacher | AESD Moncton and SDA Education

Founder | Instructor | Emotional Fitness® Life

Michelle Gallant-Richards

25 year career as Elementary/Junior High Teacher | AESD Moncton and SDA Education Founder | Instructor | Emotional Fitness® Life

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